
On April 13th, 2022, LocationMind's international division team visited the Embassy of the State of Kuwait in Japan.
During the visit, they met with first secretary Khaled W Alzeer, and diplomat Abdulaziz AlFadheli of the State of Kuwait, to discuss LocationMind's technology, the services it offers, and its vision for the future.
The State of Kuwait launched the "Kuwait Vision 2035" in 2017 with the aim of diversifying its industry.
LocationMind emphasized that its human flow analysis and artificial intelligence technologies can contribute to "Kuwait Vision 2035" and expressed its interest to do business in the State of Kuwait in the future.

On the right side of center: First Secretary of the State of Kuwait Khaled W Alzeer
Far right: Diplomat Abdulaziz AlFadheli of the State of Kuwait
On the left side of center: Mohamed Batran, AI consultant, LocationMind
Far left: Kltham Alolayan, business consultant, LocationMind