
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Ryuichi Imai and Hiroaki Sugita as our new Senior Counsels from August 2022.

Senior Counsel
今井龍一 Ryuichi Imai
Completed Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kansai University, he worked for Nippon Koei, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism(MLIT), now as a professor of the department of Urban and Environmental Design, Faculty of Design Engineering at Hosei University and representative director of IntelligentStyle. Doctor (engineering, the University of Tokyo). He focuses on activities for measurement, analysis, and visualization of national land space and urban activities taking advantage of the experience of industry‐university‐government. He has received numerous awards, including The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, i-Construction grand prize by MLIT, Japan Open Innovation Prize, IPSJ Industrial Achievement Award. Appointed Senior Counsel of LocationMind from August 2022.

Senior Counsel
杉田浩章 Hiroaki Sugita
Graduating from the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, completed Graduate School of Business Administration, Keio University (MBA). He worked as a representative of Boston Consulting Group (BGC) Japan for 5 years from 2016, now Managing Director & Senior Partner of BCG. He has been involved in helping a wide range of industries realize their core management agendas, such as radical corporate transformation for renewed growth, creation of new businesses, and promotion of DX. Appointed Professor at Waseda Business School in 2021, responsible for lectures and research guidance on approaches to new business development, market creation, and transformation. IPC Senior Advisor of the University of Tokyo also serves as an Outside Director of a company and advisor to startups. Appointed Senior Counsel of LocationMind from August 2022.