
The ENERGY GLOBE Award, an international environmental award established in Austria, has selected LocationMind's "Small World AI- Modular Metacognitive Metaverses Technologies for Greener Cities & Cleaner Mobility" as the winning project in Japan for 2023 in the country category!
■Energy Globe Country Awards 2023 of Japan
Awarded Project
Small World AI- Modular Metacognitive Metaverses Technologies for Greener Cities & Cleaner Mobility
Award-winning Company
LocationMind, Inc.
■About "Small World AI - Modular Metacognitive Metaverse Technology for Green Emobility and Sustainable Urban Planning"

The "Small World AI- Modular Metacognitive Metaverses Technologies for Greener Cities & Cleaner Mobility" project in Japan addresses the urgent need to bridge the gap between static datasets and dynamic human mobility for sustainable urban planning. Collaboratively developed by Locationmind Inc., the University of Tokyo, the Small World AI (SWAI) focuses on combining Geo-analytics and AI to analyze collected data and generate insights. Given that cities are major contributors to energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, particularly due to urban human activities, the project aims to leverage digital twin technologies driven by human mobility data and AI to create cleaner, more sustainable smart cities. This initiative becomes crucial as urban populations increase and energy consumption rises.
■The Citation for the Award

The project, which aims to address the pressing issue of sustainable urban planning in Japan, is a technology that combines geographical analysis and AI. Considering that cities play a major role in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, we use digital twin technology with real-time geospatial data to optimize bike-sharing, estimate cooling loads in cities, and evaluate the impact of transportation emissions under conditions such as COVID-19. The award was given in recognition of its promise to contribute to a sustainable and informed urban future in which both organizations and individuals make evidence-based decisions.
The ENERGY GLOBE Award, founded in 1999 by Wolfgang Neumann from Oberösterreich, Austria, is an international annual award for outstanding environmental projects. The Energy Globe Awards are one of the most important environmental awards and are highly regarded worldwide so sustainable environmental projects from around the world are submitted every year. International ENERGY GLOBE Awards / World Award consists of 5 categories, EARTH, FIRE, WATER, AIR and YOUTH, and the best environmental project in each category worldwide is awarded. In addition, the National (country) ENERGY GLOBE Awards were established in 2007 to recognize the best environmental projects on a country-by-country basis.
■Message from the Energy Grove Foundation
At a time when people around the world are working diligently to solve some of the most pressing environmental problems of our time - resource scarcity, storm and water pollution, carbon dioxide emissions, climate change, and dependence on fossil fuels - there is a growing demand for solutions that can be applied immediately, yet are often unprecedented. These solutions are ready-to-use, yet often lacking in precedent. The Energy Globe Award gives such projects the right to speak and encourages them to develop their own innovative solutions by introducing them to a wider audience. The Energy Globe is one of the world's most important environmental awards, with applications received from over 180 countries. Projects are submitted from all over the world, ranging from small, simple initiatives to large, high-end projects. The Energy Globe Country Awards are presented in cooperation with UNIDO at https://www.energyglobe .info/. The winners from all over the world have one thing in common: they understand that the environment is protected by action, not by words. And they understand that everyone can contribute to it.
As a trade organisation of the Austrian Federal Office of Industry (WKO), which has about 100 offices in more than 70 countries, the WKO supports a wide range of business activities of Austrian companies operating outside Austria and their partners in Austria.As a representative of the Austrian economy, the WKO participates in various events and exhibitions to present Austria's outstanding products, technologies and services to the Japanese public. The Austrian Federal Chamber of Industry and the Austrian Chamber of Commerce have been active in promoting Austrian environmental technology and renewable energy worldwide and are official supporters of the Energy Globe Awards. URL:
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